Author Archives: kencooke
National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program
How many schools in the electorate have a chaplain under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program? Only four!!! and only two of these are government schools. None are mainstream government schools!! They are: The Beach School, Allambie (a … Continue reading
Tony Abbott agrees that Carbon Tax will work.
On ABC Radio National Breakfast show this morning Mr Abbott has agreed that the Carbon Tax will achieve its aims. He said… “The whole point of a carbon tax is to use less coal, less gas,less oil. the whole point … Continue reading
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Same Sex Marriage
There is no particular reason why marriage should be regarded exclusively as being between a man and a women. In addition, it has not always been the case that there were any laws that governed marriage. In Europe up until … Continue reading
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This is Your Opportunity
This is your opportunity. The result for Warringah on election day is a forgone conclusion, Tony Abbott will win. The conservative parties have always won Warringah. So on the face of it it would seem that your vote is a … Continue reading
Posted in election2010
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Kenneth Cooke (Secular Party of Australia) runs for Warringah
I have nominated as the Secular Party of Australia candidate for the NSW electorate of Warringah. There is of course only one person who has any chance at all of winning this seat and that is Tony Abbott the present … Continue reading
Posted in election2010